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How to remove the menstrual cup:


When the intimate cup is already full, you will probably experience a light bleeding similar to sealing.​

Just like when a traditional tampon gets soaked. For the sake of safety, it is therefore worth wearing a thin sanitary napkin to protect the underwear with the menstrual cup. ​

Next to the Biointimo Aqua Cup menstrual cup, we automatically packed a mini washable sanitary pad that


suits to any underwear,


woven with bamboo carbon fiber

easy to wash and dries quickly

Click on the image!

Biointimo Aqua Cup and the little black

So you can always feel safe with the cup, and you can also try what it's like being greener or even to be completely waste-free during menstruation, or on the other days of your cycle.

🚫NO change!

🚫You DO NOT have to keep a replacement 

     tampon or cup with you!

🚫 NO rinsing frequently!

What's really fantastic about the Biointimo AQUA Cup intimate cup is that you don't even have to deal with it all day! It is enough to rinse out in the morning at the tap and in the evening in the shower.

Thanks to its large capacity (SIZE1: 28 ml; SIZE2: 35 ml) and medical silicone material, it can be completely safely inside the vagina for the whole day with moderate or weaker bleeding.

Of course, it is recommended to rinse with soap and water every 4-6 hours if possible, but if you can't do this, or if your bleeding is already less and you can only do your small and big things all day in a dull communal toilet, you don't have to take out the cup!

You can easily go to the toilet with it several times without having to worry about how you are going to take it out. It's like you don't even have your period! ;)

Here's the technique:

For removing and cleaning the menstrual cup

just for soap

on water,

and you need some solitude.

IMPORTANT: Never try to pull out the cup with a single movement and especially not by the stem (pulling), because it can be uncomfortable due to the vacuum! Always hold the cup by the grip rings at the bottom!

1. Wash your hands and sit on the toilet with a wide straddle, stand straddle, or squat as is more comfortable.

2. Never pull the pull handle, but firmly pinch the ring tip of the menstrual cup with two new ones, then carefully pull it downwards and move or rotate the cup to the right and left to release the vacuum effect.

Így vedd ki kelyhet!

There is no need to wipe the clean cup with anything, do not apply anything to its surface. It can also be put back into the vagina when wet!

Meanwhile, reach up into the vagina with two fingers as far as you can! The smooth silicone cup slides down where you can easily pinch the tip.

4. Once the vacuum has been released and you hold the cup firmly, you can carefully pull it out of the vagina!

5. If you have already pulled the Aqua Cup out of the vagina, hold it vertically and lower it into your palm!

6. You can rinse it with soap and water, or even clean it without water, which with a little routine takes as much time as changing tampons/pads.

Just put the clean cup and the cup that has been wiped dry back into its small holder, where it will wait for you until your next period.

How is it different from a tampon?

An important difference is that the Aqua Cup menstrual cup does not absorb the valuable vaginal flora, so it does not dry out the vagina;

it does not disintegrate in acidic media and body heat.

There are no unpleasant odors after 10-12 hours of continuous indoor use.


This is a sign that the blood collected in the chalice is completely safe even after half a day.

How is it safe even for half a day?! 

The material of the AQUA Cup menstrual cup is medical silicone, which is bacteria-resistant and water-repellent, therefore

bacteria cannot multiply on its surface for a sufficiently long period of time, nor can they feed on its material.

since the cup is fixed in the vagina with a gentle vacuum, this excludes air from the cup, the presence of which unfortunately starts and accelerates the decomposition processes of blood in pads and tampons. However, in the chalice, the blood does not come into contact with the air,


therefore, miraculously, there are no unpleasant odors even after being inside for 10-12 hours! And the blood in the chalice does not decompose, but only coagulates.

Menstruation is a very clean, pleasant feeling and, last but not least, a much drier and odorless experience with the Biointimo Aqua Cup intimate cup, because it frees you from the discomfort associated with tampon pads. 

What should you pay attention to?

The intimate cup "only" collects the blood and blocks it from the vaginal wall, but since it is flexible, solid medical silicone, it does not absorb any moisture like cotton and synthetic tampons.

For this reason, even if your cup is working perfectly, blood residues trapped in the vaginal folds, which fall to the area around the vaginal entrance during flushing, can easily land on your underwear and give the appearance of leakage if you do not remove them.

In addition to the Biointimo Aqua Cup intimate cup, you can use the vagina-friendly 20 pcs Biointimo LADIES intimate lactic acid wipes, with which you can not only clean your cup without water, but also refresh yourself! While stocks last!​

Fontos különbség, hogy az Aqua Cup menstruációs csésze

- nem szívja fel az értékes hüvelyflórát, így

- nem szárítja ki a hüvelyt;

- savas közegben és testhőben nem bomlik szét, 


- 10-12 órás folyamatos beltéri használat után nincs kellemetlen szag.


Ez annak a jele, hogy a kehelyben összegyűlt vér fél nap után is teljesen biztonságos.

Hogy biztonságos akár fél napig is?!

Az AQUA Cup menstruációs kehely anyaga orvosi szilikon, így baktérium- és vízlepergető, tehát a felületén a baktériumok nem tudnak kellően hosszú ideig szaporodni, és anyagából sem táplálkozhatnak.

Mivel a kehely enyhe vákuummal van rögzítve a hüvelyben, ez kizárja a levegőt, melynek jelenléte sajnos beindítja és felgyorsítja a betétekben, tamponokban lévő vér lebontási folyamatait. A kehelyben azonban a vér nem érintkezik a levegővel, ezért csodával határos módon 10-12 órás bent tartózkodás után sincsenek kellemetlen szagok! A kehelyben lévő vér pedig nem bomlik le, hanem csak alvad.

A menstruáció nagyon tiszta, kellemes érzés, és nem utolsó sorban sokkal szárazabb és szagtalan élmény a Biointimo Aqua Cup intim kehellyel, mert megszabadít a tamponbetétekkel járó kellemetlenségektől.

Mire kell figyelni?

Az intim kehely "csak" összegyűjti a vért és elzárja a hüvely falától, de mivel rugalmas, szilárd orvosi szilikon, nem szívja fel a nedvességet, mint a pamut és a szintetikus tamponok.

Emiatt még akkor is, ha a csésze tökéletesen működik, a hüvelyredőkben rekedt vérmaradványok, amelyek az öblítés során a hüvelybemenet körüli területre esnek, könnyen rákerülhetnek a fehérneműre, és szivárgás látszatát kelthetik, ha nem távolítja el őket. .

Használhatsz egy hüvelybarát intim tejsavas törlőkendőt, mellyel nem csak a kelyhet tisztíthatod meg víz nélkül, hanem felfrissülhetsz is!

az orvosi szilikon miért biztonságos
Cup with wipes .png

TIP: If the cup is already back in, wipe the vaginal entrance around the top of the cup with a lactic acid sanitary pad!


You can remove a lot of blood residue with this, and thendry freshness without blood stains is guaranteed for many hours!

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